11:30 am – 1:00 pm
November 2, 9, 23
(class meets three times)
Jennifer Shepard, instructor
$80 registration fee
(materials to be purchased separately)
Note: Class will be held at The Yarnery's new location: 2040 St. Clair Ave, St. Paul, MN 55105.
Natasja Hornsby is on our short list of all-time favorite designers. Her work manages to be show-stopping and wearable at the same time. Lunae is a masterpiece of slipped stitch mosaic knitting and cozy texture (tassels optional). Lunae has an unusual construction to achieve its cozy wearable shape. There's a lot to learn and do with this project!
Skills Developed
• Exploration of color and texture
• Slipped stitches
• Mosaic knitting
• Picking up stitches
• Reading mosaic color charts
Materials Needed
Lunae by Natasja Hornby
US 5 (3.75 mm) 40” circular needles
Yarn suggestions include:
Coast by Holst Garn
Loft by Brooklyn tweed
Spindrift by Jamieson's of Shetland (coming soon)
Supersoft 4ply by JC Rennie
Please purchase materials ahead of time and bring them with you to the first class session. Registration for a class indicates you have read and agree to the class policies.